Customer Support

Struggling to deliver awesome customer experience at low cost? Outsource your customer support to our team of seasoned professionals & see your business grow. We are experts in delivering delightful customer experience at a minimal cost.
Customer service plays a major role in your business. It's the leading indicator for measuring customer loyalty. Identify your unhappy customers, reduce the churn, and increase the revenue. It's also a key point of differentiation which helps to attract fresh customers in a competitive business environment.

The key to customer retention is good customer service. Regardless of whichever industry one is a part of, customer care is of utmost importance. An increasing number of organizations are realizing that with growing competition, new technological innovations and constantly improving services and products, consumers are being pulled in different directions. It is vital to ensure that customer loyalty programs are an integral part of an organization. Acquiring new customers is important, but holding on to existing customers is crucial.

We at HireKhan use cutting-edge technology that supports prompt delivery of exceptional customer service on all the mediums. Our advanced equipment can be easily integrated with your existing platform to effectively streamline your back office operations. We use sophisticated tools that enable call center representatives to view web history of the callers on their ordering website.

Our highly skilled technocrats work in collaboration with your IT team to congregate your business objectives and successfully meet your KPIs (key performance indicators). To maintain transparency, we provide timely reports and discuss average call timings, rejection rates, customer conversion rates, etc. Our team integrates real-time calling data into your organization’s existing infrastructure.


Our Project Management Officer will have detailed discussion on your requirement and understand your needs in greater detail. We believe in more straight forward approach of face to face / Skype Video call discussion. Waste no time. Allocation of Projects starts almost instantly at HireKhan.

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Subtotal 8,000.00
IGST 18% 1,440.00
Payable Amount  9,440.00
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